works like any other e-commerce delivery platform. Rather than delivering food, fashion, or flowers, we procure lottery tickets for you.
The only step you need to take is to place your order through our platform. Simply select your preferred game, choose your lucky numbers, and complete your purchase. We’ll take it from there. has partnered with a registered lottery retailer to purchase the tickets on your behalf.
Once the ticket is printed, we scan it and provide you with the images to prove your ticket is officially in the drawing. After scanning, the ticket is logged and stored in our secure fireproof vault where it is kept under 24hr surveillance.
If you win (and we hope you do!) your funds will be added to your account balance.
Large wins above your state's winning/claims threshold require claiming your prize with the lottery directly. In this case, we will contact you to arrange for the safe transfer of the winning ticket into your hands.